Saturday, November 14, 2009

4 Months already!!

Here is baby Will, I cannot believe he is 4 months old already!! His mom was the first one to sign up for my tummy to toddler package, which means I get to see him every 4 months!!
If you need a refrence of how much he has grown, he is the baby in the top of the blog header!!

Allison, hope you enjoy your preview! There are so many good ones, just wait!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Beautiful FALL Day!!

I mean fall in more way than one!! Oops! Sorry Mags! As soon as we arrived on location, and after I complimented the wonderful shoes I might add, Mags bit the dust!~ and when I say that, I mean hard core, tried to recover from it, fall on her face. Thankfully she was unharmed, and ready for the shoot! So were the boys, if I wanted a laugh from them, I would simply say, "Think of your mom falling"

Here is your sneak peak, I hope you enjoy.....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ms. Katie & Mr. Reis

Yeah to fall!! I don't like what comes after it, but I love the colors it gives us!! This is Katie, I went to high school with her. This is her son Reis, and he will be 8 in two weeks!! I had a great time today, and I am glad they braved the cold with me!! Thanks Guys!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Today I had a session with a GREAT family! I Used to work with Jodi, and Mike would always come in and visit!! Then, they got married and had two BEAUTIFUL Girls!

Ironically, Jodi and Mike are also friends with Brandon and Teresa (whose children I photographed last post) Don't you think Madison and Brianna look just a little bit alike? Funny isn't it?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Oh how they grow!

Today, we braved the rain to get some Birthday photos!! These two beautiful children are my best friends, (my husband and I actually met in her and her husbands wedding) I have been around these kids since the day they were born, and I am always taking pictures of them. It was nice to be able to take some "Official" birthday photos!! Big sister Brianna will be 4, and Dylan will be 2!! T and B, I hope you like.....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SHHH........It's a Secret

Oh how much fun was today!! I got a call from a friend I went to high school with, and she wanted to do something special for a friend's birthday. His dog's are his life, so why not photograph them!! Meet Forest and Remi, two VERY energetic Weimeriners......

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Miss King

I had an absolute FABULOUS session today with Miss Britt, she is a beautiful young girl, with a great sense of humor, I think we laughed all day! I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Ok bear with me, this is a good one!
I get a phone call from a mom for senior pictures, we have the same Uncle Steve, but we are on different sides of the family!
And if that isn't funny in itself, she then tells me that, her son Kyle is cousins with the senior I did back in july, Brandon!! What a crazy, small little world we live in!
Here's your preview Amy and Kyle, hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jordon James is Here!

Easiest way to explain, this is my husband's (Dave) cousin's (Ashley & Jordan) first baby!
He finally arrived on August 22nd, after 5 long hours of pushing. Only two "actual" hours if you ask the nurse. *wench* Love you guys!! Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Salon Breathe & Spa

Here are the wonderful and Gorgeous girls from Salon Breathe and Spa in downtown Jackson. SO, where else would we do their photo shoot but in and around downtown Jackson. The Salon hasn't been open two years yet and look at all their staff!! More to come soon ladies.... Oh and if you want to see one of these beautiful ladies, just call 768.2222!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Scary Sunday....

So, a while back my husband told me that the fire dept. got permission to burn down the old wetherwax farms house. This house was probably built in the early 1800's, with an addition of two bathrooms and a new kitchen, once they got running water.
My mom and I love the show "total reclamation" on HGTV, they go in and save a whole bunch of cool, antique stuff before the house is destroyed.

We knew we couldn't get the people from HGTV to come to somerset, so we took matters into our own hands........ What trespassing? Who was breaking and entering? oops:)

Look at the detail in the molding's around the door, and the little attic crawlspace. I LOVE the door hinges!!! SO cool....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hopefully 09.09.09!!

Oh to be so lucky!
Believe it or not, she's due NEXT MONTH!! This is Shelly, Matt and baby Brooke. Thank you so much guys! It was a lot of fun, and I hope to hear from you as soon as Baby Brooke makes her debut! Here is your sneak peek, Enjoy!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Senior 2010!

Yesterday I had the privilege of a session with a very vibrant and fun senior!! Brandon I swear you need to teach modeling classes!! Here are just a few........

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Business as usual...

Well, I got my logo today and now we are just working on the website! I have been compiling photos and working on it all day!

Here is a shoot I did last week, Beautiful Baby Will. Thanks Dan & Allison. He is Wonderful. See you at Kelly's wedding in 10 days!!